Meet the Mushers

Dallin has a love and passion for dogs. He started Bear Ridge Adventures because of his love for huskies, dog sledding, and the outdoors. Dallin is finishing his degree in Agriculture Business. He enjoys riding his motorcycle, playing sports of any kind, and being with his kids.

Wade has lots of experience mushing and is excited to take you on a tour you will love. Wade loves and knows each of the dogs. He is one of our mushers who will teach you everything you need to know about dog sledding.
Wade graduated with a degree in Agriculture Business. He spends his time taking care of the sled dogs, going for horse rides, and taking care of his pigs.


Natalie is one of our main mushers and has been with us since we have started. She knows all of the dogs very well and all of our dogs love her. She has an education in Agriculture Education. In her free time she likes to ride her horse, read, and spend time with her family.
Kayson has a great way of handling the dogs. In his experience with dog sledding, Kayson has gained a passion for the people, dogs, and sport. In Kayson's spare time he enjoys hunting and watching college sports.

Lanette is very experienced with mushing and has been doing it for 30+ years. She enjoys every minute of it. She spends her time training, racing, and being with her huskies.

Kayla answers the business phone and checks everyone in at our office. She will be the one texting and calling to confirm your tour. She spends her time with her 4 kids which you will most likely hear in the background of the phone calls (sorry).

"Hard work is one of my favorite things, and our dogs and I have that in common. The energy and enthusiasm these dogs have for running is what makes me love mushing. My other loves are being outside, trying new things, and being with good people" - Ashley

Amy is our cousin who learned quickly how to mush and to work with the dogs. She is always outside working with animals whether it be horses, sheep, or her kids ;).

Amanda is a great musher who loves to be outside working with the dogs. She loves meeting new people and always has a great attitude. She loves watching movies and spending time with family and friends.

"I enjoy dog sledding because it's fun to watch the dogs work while being in the outdoors. We run the dogs in some really neat country. These are a few of the things that makes dogsledding very fun.
I enjoy being outdoors and working on my family's ranch when I'm not dogsledding."

Mason has a summer in Alaska dogsledding and now works for us. He is a great asset to our team and is really good with the dogs.